Monday, June 18, 2007

Derrida 101: An Oldie but a Goodie

The excellent Derrida network, Hydra, maintained by Peter Krapp, shares a copy of an interview Jacques Derrida gave to LA Weekly. It is an accessible and cool intro to the work of our fallen philosophical shaman.

For more recent news regarding Derrida, the University of California, Irvine, and some tawdry outings regarding a Derridean protege and a dust-up over Derrida's papers, follow this link. Do beware the paragraph wherein the San Jose Mercury News glosses deconstructionism (sic), er (sick), is pathetic. More on this tale of vampires, philosophy, papers, untoward acts with graduate students and lawsuits is here.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

First Assignment

The assignment for next week--read to page 40 or so in MEMOIRS OF THE BLIND; also, write a one page rant wherein you speculate as to a particular kind of critical engagement where DERRIDA might figure as a foil, nemesis, ally, or guide--if you are a poet, is there a particular form or topic which might benefit from a sprinkling of Jacques? if you are a critical theory nut, is there some current debate afoot in the field wherein "Eli" might be inserted. Speculate, without regard to form! Rant eloquently--something like that!

First Chaser

This will be an attempt to communicate in an other way--chase, textually, without controlling (totally) the stream of things. Let's see if this works.